Reviewing the Research on SafeBreath Pro Face Mask Respirator

SafeBreath Pro is an anti-pollution N95 face mask respirator designed to provide clean air breathing protection and an extra layer of defense against airborne particles like coronavirus (Covid-19).

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SafeBreath Pro is a face mask that consumers can use to protect their nose and mouth from inhaling the toxic pollution and allergens in the air around them. Consumers can presently get a 50% discount on the regular price from the official website, which has multiple packages presently available.

Let's review the SafeBreath Pro face mask to see if this anti-pollution clean-air breathing respirator is safe to use for the threat against coronavirus and related harmful airborne particle risks. While we have reviewed the best face masks for the Covid-19 condition already, you never know what may be needed as part of a survival kit, from a first aid kit to deciding which N95 face mask to use, all of it is extremely important when the demand and need is at an all time high. After a straight forward overview of the SafeBreath mask, be sure to go through the most popular frequently asked questions about the coronavirus and read over practical, useful tips to ensuring safety and lowering the risk of contracting the deadly infection.

Check the Lowest Price on N95 Face Mask Here


What is SafeBreath Pro?

SafeBreath Pro markets itself as a N95 face mask respirator with anti-pollution clean-air breathing benefits due to a medical-grade filtration system that is supposed to keep out over 95% of harmful particulate matter such as viruses, bacteria, chemicals, dust and allergens.

In a world that is filled with pollution and airborne disease with each passing day, consumers are becoming restless. People want a way to protect themselves without having to stay indoors and avoid public situations, but even a few minutes watching the news makes the public abundantly aware of how much less safe this activity is. However, there are ways of protecting the body still, which is the goal of the SafeBreath Pro N95 face mask.

This mask offers coverage for the nose and mouth, preventing the user from inhaling smog, allergens, and air pollution. Though there are many features on it to help with the filtration of the air around the user, it is surprisingly lightweight. Consumers won’t have to worry about awkward bulkiness, because the mask is designed to fit comfortably along on the face, while being secured comfortably in place by wrapping around the head.

While there are many consumers who may purchase the disposable surgical masks for their own defense, these masks tend to collect dust quickly and cannot be used repeatedly. That problem is fixed with the SafeBreath Pro mask, as it can be washed and reused many times. Unfortunately, the website doesn’t state how many uses that the mask is designed for.

Purchasing SafeBreath Pro

Available on the official website for Fresh Sleep 360, consumers can choose one of several packages available to them, stocking up as needed. Presently, the company is offering a minimum of a 50% discount on the purchases, starting with the single mask, and every purchase comes with free shipping. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of orders presently being processed, buyers may have about 7 to 18 business days before they see their delivery arrive.

Currently, the options include:

  • One mask for $59.99 (50% discount)
  • Two masks for $89.99 (63% discount)
  • Three masks for $119.99 (67% discount)
  • Four masks for $149.99 (69% discount)
  • Five masks for $179.99 (70% discount)

All of these products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. However, consumers that want to ensure their product lasts can sign up for the three-year warranty at checkout, which costs an additional $12.99.

Contacting the Creators of SafeBreath Pro

Since the website is a little limited on information about the SafeBreath Pro mask, consumers may be left with other questions. The customer service team can address any of these concerns via email at

FAQ About Using SafeBreath Pro and Coronavirus

Let's summarize our SafeBreath Pro review and recap some of the most commonly asked questions about using a face mask for coronavirus as well as useful tips to apply daily in order for best protection and defense against this fatal respiratory health condition.

Coronavirus Continues to Cross Borders: Top CDC Advice Tips

As the number of cases involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to increase with time, fear in businesses and consumers have reached catastrophic levels. Speaking in relation to businesses, how they can overcome this situation and protect those involved? According to Chain Drug Review [1], the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has since issued a number of measures that businesses can take aside from issuing N95 face mask respirators to its members and staff.

Here’s what you need to know:

Q: Does the SafeBreath Pro Face Mask Work?

A: The SafeBreath Pro face mask is billed as a comfortable, lightweight medical-grade N95 anti-pollution respirator that provides full mouth and nose coverage for maximum protection. It features a washable and reusable nanotechnology face mask filtration system that claims it can add an extra layer of defense against potentially deadly viruses and invisible airborne particles. SafeBreath Pro utilizes an activated carbon filter (PM2.5) with an adjustable nose clip and firm fit to ensure no leaky areas around the facial features. While no sufficient studies or even verified user-reviews online express the integrity or quality of the SafeBreath face mask, the official sales page raves about its ability to help filter over 95% of particulate matter (PM) such as viruses, bacteria, dust, chemicals, pollen and smoke.

Q: Is SafeBreath Pro Face Mask Respirator Effective Against Coronavirus?

A: There is no cure-all solution when it comes to using a face mask to protect against coronavirus. SafeBreath Pro's ability to filter Covid-19 should not be looked at as a full-stop security measure when it comes to doing everything you can to not inhale these illness-warranting airborne particles. The SafeBreath face mask is not made from a professional or licensed healthcare provider and is only made from a company who is looking to supply respirators when the demands are so high. The coronavirus respiratory lung infection is extremely serious and threat of contracting this fatal condition should be taken with the utmost respect and caution. Adding the SafeBreath Pro mask to your coronavirus survival kit in case of an emergency is a smart thing to do if you have explored all other options and can not find a N95 respirator that is in-stock and available to ship out during a time of crisis.

While the SafeBreath Pro's effectiveness against coronavirus is largely unknown, let's review some of the top personal safety tips one can apply and implement into their own lives during a heightened sense of uncertainty when clarity about the fatal infection is still unfolding.

Q: What should employers do if their employees are sick?

A: In the event that employees are sick, which include symptoms related to acute respiratory illness, it is best they stay home until they’ve fully recovered. That said, some employees may refrain from staying home, so it is best that employers read just their sick leave policies to prevent further spreading.

Q: What should employers suggest to hiring agencies?

A: Hiring agencies who do the interview process for contract or temporary employees should understand the importance of the COVID-19. This is the employer’s responsibility, as they need to limit illnesses while encouraging employees to use their sick leave when needed.

Q: Do employees need to bring a doctor’s confirmation that they no longer are sick?

A: Given that the number of cases is on the rise, healthcare professionals will be busy. Hence, getting a letter to return to work has not been advised, as more importance will be given to those with a severe case. This is why a flexible sick leave policy is required. One recommendation that employers can make to their employees is to ensure that the former don’t have fever.

Q: Should those who are sick be separated from those who are not?

A: To limit any form of spreading, the CDC recommends that those who are sick (i.e. symptoms of acute respiratory illness) be separated from those who are not when they arrive to work.

Q: Besides sending employees home, if their symptoms are of lower concern how should employers deal with it?

A: Upon arriving to work, those who exhibit any symptoms of acute respiratory illness – which are not at concerning levels – should be provided with a mask that covers one’s nose and mouth as well as tissues that should be used to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Q: How can employers spread the message about staying home when sick?

A: To bring awareness of the coronavirus, employers need to be as informative as possible. This could include putting up posters that encourage those who are sick to stay home, ways to protect oneself from getting sick, importance of hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquettes among others. Here’s more information on cough and sneeze etiquettes and the proper way to achieving clean hands.

Q: What measures can be taken to protect one’s work environment?

A: Employers need to ensure that frequent cleaning routines are in place. Some examples include cleaning the surfaces of workstations, countertops, doorknobs and other regions that are frequently touched. Before coming into contact with items like the keyboard, doorknobs, and remote controls, etc., consumers have been advised to clean the surface.

Q: Given that the spread has been associated with travelling, how can employees better protect themselves?

A: Employees have been advised against travelling to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea, as these countries have been recently exposed to coronavirus cases and are now considered of warning level 3. If it is not important, it’s best to stay home as there is supposedly a limited access to medical care services in the affected regions.

While Japan is considered a level 2 on the warning scale, it seems like employees can travel there given that they avoid any contact with sick people, touching their respective eyes, nose or mouth without washing their hands and paying attention to one’s health during and after travels for 14 days. Should one feel sick, it would be best to check the temperature or speak directly with a medical expert. The same has been advised to those travelling to Hong Kong.

Q: Will the U.S. Embassy and Military Facilities support U.S. Residents overseas?

A: Given that the aforementioned travels are all outside of the U.S., employees should follow their company’s policy for getting access to medical care or a healthcare provider. That said, one should bear in mind that U.S. embassies, consulates, and military facilities do not have the legal authority or capability to give medicines, vaccines, or medical care to U.S. residents overseas.

Q: What should an employee do if their family member is sick at home with COVID-19?

A: If employees have a sick family member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, they are asked to report the situation to their supervisor and follow the guides provided by CDC by clicking here. The support provided elaborates on the assessment one can take, i.e. self-observing, self-monitoring, self-monitoring with either a supervisor or health professional, and other measures that can be taken to protect oneself and others.

Q: If an employee has COVID-19, what should they do next?

A: When it has been confirmed that an employee has coronavirus, they must inform their employer immediately. However, employees have the right to be protected, therefore, employers have to affirm that such information will be kept confidential. That said, employees should respect the work environment and those it in, therefore, they should refrain from leaving their home (unless it’s to go to the hospital).


SafeBreath Pro is made for any consumer that wants to be safer (and not just feel safer) when they walk out of their front door into the world. The design is comfortable for any face shape, and the lightweight material can keep consumers from becoming sweaty or feeling restricted. With filters show on either side of where the mouth is positioned, consumers can breathe clean air through their nose and mouth, protecting them from the damage that pollution can cause.

While there are many different masks populating online right now, from the leading OxyBreath Pro face mask to the SafeMask to Thunder Labs N95 mask, the truth is all of these seem to be very similar in setup, design and style both as a clean-air breathing respirator and the fact these are all brand new companies offering anti-pollution facial protectors. While the SafeBreath Pro may or may not be suitable for you, the truth is an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the expression “better be safe than sorry” applies here. If a N95 face mask respirator is not right for you, some are starting to look into lung health supplements and products that can boost immunity and gut health as a way to amplify their body's resistance and defense against these potential threats.

After researching all of the known facts in our SafeBreath Pro review, this N95 face mask respirator is trending during the coronavirus craze and does appear to stay with a steady stock of supply that may be worth it when everything related on is sold out or pushed back weeks before new inventory is available for purchase.

Check the Lowest Price on N95 Face Mask Here

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