Unlock the Secrets of the Coming Epidemic (And How to Fight Back)
In this day and age, surviving pandemics and global health crisis is paramount to be prepared and have a forward-thinking plan just in case “crap hits the fan”. From survival kits, to first aid kits, to long term food storage to face masks and coronavirus scare, learning how to survive is a top priority to make sure a contingency plan is set in place should unplanned catastrophes transpire and take place with no warning signs.
Between antibiotic immunity, rampant side effects of some prescription drugs, and the growing list of diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, consumers are becoming increasingly disinterested in the remedies offered by the traditional medical industry. Consumers are turning towards alternative medicine and home remedies in record numbers; these solutions give users the opportunity to mitigate the worst symptoms of their illnesses without the problems of the traditional medical sector.
The Health Sciences Institute Subscription is a collection of e-books that consumers can use to help them defend their body from illness using entirely natural support. The e-books are available on the official website and can only be viewed by purchasing a subscription to the Health Sciences Institute. By subscribing to this service, consumers can tap into the benefits of natural health and wellness.
Let's review Health Sciences Institute (HSI)'s The Insider’s Book of Secrets and the 550-plus-page Miracles from the Vault report from Dr. Allan Spreen, MD to learn what this “almost extinct shrub” has to offer against the Chinese coronavirus epidemic.
Check Out a Trending Survival Program Here
The world is filled with disease, and the recent publicity of the coronavirus has many consumers afraid of the state of the global healthcare infrastructure. Dr. Allan Spreen recently took to the website for the Health Sciences Institute to speak with seniors about a set of information that they might never hear within the mainstream media. In fact, Dr. Spreen introduces his theory with an unsettling statement, arguing that “This new virus likely came to us… from bats.”
Dr. Spreen of the Institute for Health Sciences explains that bats have an amazing immune system that allows many viruses to transfer across great spans of land and sea, stating that bats were responsible for the spread of SARS and MERS, which collectively killed over 1,500 people. The novel coronavirus is what is being spread now, and it has taken thousands of lives globally. In fact, the CDC states that it has already reached the United States and could continue to infect more citizens as time passes.
As it stands, there has yet to be a vaccine developed that can battle against the disease, and there are no medications that consumers can take. The contagious nature of the virus is one of the biggest obstacles to a solution, as it can spread easily with even a little contact between infected and uninfected users. The infection, as Dr. Spreen states, starts with a headache and mild cough. However, if the immune system doesn’t stop the problem there, the next phases include pain and fever. Soon, the lungs start deteriorating, and the blood succumbs to sepsis, destroying the organs it touches and eventually leading to death.
What is the Health Sciences Institute?
The Health Sciences Institute is a subscription which gives consumers access to several e-books focused on the restorative healing power of alternative medicine and home remedies.
Individuals over age 55 are at heightened risk for contracting this new virus. Dr. Spreen claims that a natural substance derived from bupleurum chinense could cure the virus in older consumers. Bupleurum is a staple in traditional Chinese medicine, which used the root to treat respiratory infections like the flu, bronchitis, and more. It is also capable of treating the symptoms associated with these infections, including both fever and cough. Though the supplement is not prescription, it is available through the Health Institute Subscription website.
Dr. Spreen focuses on the effects of bupleurum chinense because of its stimulating effect on the human immune system. While there are other effects reported, evidence is minimal concerning impacts on human users beyond immune efficiency. However, Dr. Spreen stated that this ingredient was shown to be capable of killing the coronavirus in a study on respiratory distress in seniors.
The Health Sciences Institute offers a subscription that tells consumers how to improve their health with the use of this ingredient and others, using several guides to tell Dr. Spreen’s story.
Purchasing the Health Sciences Institute Subscription
If the user wants to see what these guides and bonuses can do for them, they can sign up on the official website for a year-long membership to the Health Sciences Institute. The standard price of the membership is $74, though seniors over 60 years old can get a discount on this purchase to bring the cost down to $37. After the purchase is made, the user will have instant access to the following content:
- The Insiders Book of Secrets
- Miracles from the Vault
- BONUS: The Independent Patriot’s Guide to Staying in YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)
If the user finds that this program is not the right regimen for them, they can cancel the subscription within the first 30 days of use. Refunds take approximately 14 days to issue.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Health Sciences Institute Subscription
Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions that consumers have about subscribing to the Health Sciences Institute newsletter.
Q: What is The Insider's Book of Secrets?
A: The Insiders Book of Secrets describes details on the coronavirus epidemic, along with the potential solution found in bupleurum root. Consumers will also learn about the way that natural mushrooms can boost the immune system and how olive leaf extract has anti-viral properties. It also describes natural methods of potentially killing cancer, though not all of these methods have been approved or proven by doctors. Essentially, this guide tells consumers about natural foods and ingredients and the way that they can protect consumers.
Q: Who created The Health Sciences Institute?
A: This program was first created by Dr. Allan Spreen MD, a medical professional who is considered an expert in the field of alternative medicine and home remedies.
Q: Are these solutions backed by scientific studies?
A: Although a couple small studies are cited on the product website, users should be cautious about accepting radical claims to effectiveness of natural remedies. Users should consult their healthcare physician before relying on any alternative medical solutions; diseases like Coronavirus and cancers are serious and should be treated by a medical professional.
Q: What is Miracles from the Vault?
A: “Miracles from the Vault” is a guide of over 500 pages that teaches consumers about the natural cures used for different ailments around the world. It covers issues like diabetes, allergies, fatigue, kidney pain, osteoporosis, and even wrinkles. These methods include physical activities or foods to eat that help consumers to make their life better and to eliminate the symptoms of illness. The emphasis in this guide is on the historical and cultural development of alternative medicines, many of which have been lost during the rise of antibiotic dominance within Western medicine.
Q: Is this guide only for older consumers?
A: No. While the solutions in this book are primarily targeted to solve the problems of older users, anyone can benefit from a newfound knowledge of alternative medicine and home remedies.
A: Coronavirus is a relatively new illness spreading around the world. As a consequence, scientists still aren't quite sure of how to best respond to the disease. If you are experiencing symptoms of the Coronavirus, please immediately contact your primary care physician or emergency medical services.
Q: What is the Independent Patriot’s Guide to Staying in YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)?
A: The Independent Patriot’s Guide to Staying in YOUR Home (Not Theirs…) is a guide compiled by over two decades of research to help consumers stay young and feeling good. The book includes information about sarcopenia, detoxification, and the antioxidants that naturally exist in the body, as well as a host of additional information concerning alternative paths to health and wellness.
Any other concerns or questions should be directed to the customer service team.
Contacting the Customer Service Team
Even with all of the information available on this guide's official product website, consumers may have additional questions that remain unanswered. The customer service team can be reached by calling 1-888-213-0764 on weekdays from 8:00am to 11:00pm EST, or on weekends from 8:00am to 8:00pm EST.
The team can also be reached via email with the fill-in form here.
Final Thoughts
A subscription to Health Sciences Institute allows consumers to access a significant amount of content that can help senior citizens and young adults alike improve their immune systems and defend their body from illness using natural remedies. These guides offer insider details on soothing the body with natural substances, allowing users to avoid the pitfalls of the traditional medical industry while mitigating the worst symptoms of chronic illness.